Source data
- Terrain
- Elevation
- Temperature
- Rainfall
- Sunshine
- Biomass
- Shore
Map editor
- View hex properties
- Set default from/to values/colors
- Add/remove hex properties
- Edit individual hex
- Edit hexes using a brush
- Edit hexes by smoothing (take average of surrounding properties
Simulation designer
- Select data file
- Specify general formulas
- Migrate potential (must be >0 to migrate – cell with highest potential is chosen)
- Migrate percentage (must be >0 to migrate – determines % of population which migrates)
- Join (if >0, the populations in same hex join, dominant population is kept)
- Split (if > 0, the population splits from identity)
- Hex formulas
- Specify values from/to + color range
- Add/remove calculated hex properties (not from source data)
- Specify initial formula for calculated hex properties
- Specify an update formula + update turns schedule – ie. the property will be recalculated using the update formula every X turns
- Population formulas
- Add/remove/reorder properties
- Specify initial/default value
- Specify values from/to + color range
- Update formula – run every turn to determine new value
- Merge formula – run when populations join together to calculate new value
- Compute order to determine the order properties are calculated in
- Highlighting formulas in yellow which do not compile correctly
Simulation runner
- Control feature:
- Take turn/play/stop/back/forwards
- Add populations to map using mouse
- Load/save states
- Display features:
- Choose hex property to display color scheme
- Show individual populations (identity color), or the totals/averages for the hex
- Color jumbler
- Stop points (when to halt the simulation)
- Value has reached % out of range
- Value is greater/less than specified value
- At specific turn
- If any value reaches infinity
- 3D globe display
- Camera control – click and drag with right mouse button
- Details display
- Selected hex details
- Populations in hex
- Hyperlinks to jump to identity or population in hex
- Identity average/total values
- Population list
- Population details
- Property values
- Migration calculations
- Stop points reached (if hit)
- Performance statistics (debugging tool)
- Some property values are hyperlinks, showing breakdown of formula broken up by comments
- Selected hex details
Turn taking process
Each turn, the logical steps are executed in the following order:
1) Recalculate population properties
2) Recalculate cell/identity totals & averages
3) Calculate & perform migrations
- Random sea journeys will be attempted if population seamigrate >= 2
- Sea migration hex is considered alongside adjacent hexes
- If migrating to a hex where population of same identity exists, the populations are automatically merged using normal merge logic (dominant population kept, merge formulas run, etc)
4) Calculate & perform joins
- Dominant population is kept, subservient population is ended
- Merge formulas run to calculate new values (default merge formula is to take the average value, weighted by relative sizes)
- If the subservient population was the identity’s capital, then a capital overthrow occurs
- All populations in the identity change to the dominant identity
- If this results in multiple populations in the same hex in the same identity, they automatically merge
5) Calculate & perform splits
- If split formula > 0 then the population forms a new identity
6) Recalculate cell/identity totals & averages, since population properties have changed